Temporal Phasing


The Visionary Creator
Ships Named Enterprise
Starship Design
Temporal Mechanics
Basics of Warp Travel
Warp Travel: Section II
Nine-dimensional Theory
Temporal Phasing
Interspatial Teleportation
Navigating Parallel Timelines
Destiny, Causality, and Temporal Divergence

The Fifth Dimension

The effects of fifth-dimensional temporal displacement were first theorized by Albert Einstein in the early Twentieth Century. At that time, the effects were known as "time dilation," and the only known way to achieve fifth-dimensional displacement was through relativistic acceleration, via either change in linear velocity or gravitational field.

Einstein's "twin paradox" demonstrated how natural temporal phasing due to acceleration could cause two people to age at different rates. It was not until the early Twenty-second Century that researchers at Chronos Technologies were able to induce an artificial acceleration field within a specified volume, allowing them not only to slow down local time, but also to speed it up.

The uses of fifth-dimensional technology to speed up time in a particular location and to slow it down are known respectively as temporal acceleration and temporal stasis.

Both processes utilize similar fifth-dimensional phasing technology. In order to artificially phase an object out of the normal flow of time, it must be surrounded by a phased antigraviton field, whose frequency and polarity determine the extent and direction of fifth-dimensional displacement, and whose saturation density determines the spherical radius of the effect from the antigraviton field generator. (See Nine-dimenional theory for more information on fifth-dimensional displacement.)

By the mid-Twenty-second Century, the technologies of microcircuitry, nanotechnology, and new power storage techniques have allowed temporal phasing technology to become very compact and portable. It may soon be incorporated into household appliances and industrial applications, pending government approval.

Temporal phasing does not remove an object from the physical (four-dimensional) universe; rather, it changes the relative time flow around the object. All outside physical forces still affect the phased object, and it can still interact with the outside world, but time-dependent properties such as gravitational acceleration, momentum, inertia, force, and wavelength are distorted to the degree of relative fifth-dimensional displacement. (See below for descriptions of physical properties associated with temporal displacement.) Einstein was correct in his prediction that the velocity of light remains constant regardless of fifth-dimensional displacement.

Temporal Acceleration

Shifting an object outward through the fifth dimension causes the object to experience more time in each temporal cycle. This has the practical effect of speeding up the aging process of the object.

To understand the effects of such temporal acceleration, assume that a person (call him Mr. Swift) has a fifth-dimensional temporal accelerator that can be carried on the body, with an effect radius of two meters and an acceleration ratio of thirty-to-one compared with the rest of the world. That would mean that his wrist watch would record the passage of thirty minutes for every one minute recorded by a wall clock across the room.

But the speed of clocks is the least noticeable of the temporal acceleration effects. As soon as Mr. Swift activates the device, he will notice a sudden shift in gravitational acceleration, as if he were on the Moon or an asteroid with light gravity. This is because, with average gravitational acceleration at Earth's surface, an object dropped from a height of ten meters will take about one second to hit the floor; but with the temporal acceleration constant of Mr. Swift's frame of reference, he will watch that same object fall for over thirty seconds. The time it takes the object to fall is the same whether it is dropped inside Mr. Swift's acceleration field or outside it.

To illustrate this point, say that Mr. Swift and a person across the room both drop a metal ball from the same height at the same time. Even though Mr. Swift's ball is falling within his temporal acceleration field, it will still hit the floor at the same time as the other person's ball. This is because gravitational acceleration remains constant across all fifth-dimensional reference frames.

Likewise, the speed of light remains constant regardless of time flow. Light passing through an accelerated region will reach its destination in the same amount of time, but its wavelengths will become more spread-out, making the light appear more red when it enters an accelerated region; light generated from inside a temporally accelerated region will be blue-shifted upon leaving the acceleration field. Also, only one minute worth of light from the outside will reach Mr. Swift for every thirty minutes he experiences, so the world will seem to be much darker, as well as red-shifted, to Mr. Swift's perception.

However, light and gravity are unique in their constancy across the fifth dimension. The same is true of solid matter. Say, for example, that Mr. Swift and his counterpart across the room both fired pellet guns at a target from the same distance. The pellet fired by Mr. Swift would have a velocity thirty times greater than the other person's when it is fired. However, when the pellet exits the temporal acceleration field, it will slow down to the same velocity as the other pellet. This is due to the conservation of momentum across the fifth dimension.

Momentum of matter remains constant across time frames because, while an accelerated object's velocity may increase, its inertial mass will decrease proportionally. Therefore, the pellet will move thirty times faster, but with one thirtieth the mass, so its total kinetic energy is equal to the other pellet's on impact. This conservation of momentum causes a moving object to become more massive, and to slow in its velocity, upon leaving the accelerated environment.

Due to these unique physical properties of temporally accelerated environments, Mr. Swift will be able to run faster than other people, but may experience vertigo, since his inertial mass is thirty times less; and since objects take thirty times longer to fall, he could jump very high off the ground, or fall in slow motion from a great height, but be able to land safely on his feet.

It is important to note, though, that temporal acceleration does not give Mr. Swift any physical advantage over others, since his inertia is lessened, so his momentum is the same as anyone else's. However, his speed, reflexes, and thought processes will be thirty times faster, giving him a strategic advantage over others.

To illustrate: If Mr. Swift and his non-accelerated counterpart both were striking identical glass windows with identical sticks, Mr. Swift would swing his stick thirty times faster, but the stick would be thirty times less massive, so it would not strike the window any harder than the other person's. However, Mr. Swift would be able to break his window first, because he could hit it thirty times in the same time it would take the other person to swing his stick once.

Due to the lessened gravity and inertial mass, it is not advised that people remain in temporal acceleration fields for long periods of time, since their muscles and bones will start to atrophy as if they were in outer space or on the Moon.

Temporal Stasis

Shifting an object inward through the fifth dimension causes the object to experience less time in each temporal cycle. This has the practical effect of slowing down the aging process of the object.

To understand the effects of such temporal stasis, assume that a person (call her Ms. Still) has a fifth-dimensional temporal stasis field generator with an effect radius of two meters and a temporal dilation ratio of one-to-thirty compared with the rest of the world. That would mean that while within the stasis field her wrist watch would record the passage of only one minute for every thirty minutes recorded by a wall clock across the room.

The effects of temporal stasis are exactly opposite those of temporal acceleration as discussed above. Ms. Still's inertial mass will increase thirty times, making it very difficult to start or stop moving, or to change direction. Also, from her slowed perception, objects would seem to fall thirty times faster; an object that normally takes one second to fall to the ground would take only one-thirtieth of a second to fall according to her watch.

Likewise, light entering the stasis field would shorten in wavelength, becoming blue-shifted, so everything on the outside will seem to have a bluish tint in Ms. Still's perception. But while she experiences only one minute of time, thirty minutes worth of light will have entered her stasis field from the outside, making everything on the outside seem much brighter to her.

Due to the increase in her perception of gravity, Ms. Still would not be able to walk while in the stasis field; in fact, she might be crushed by the increased gravity even while lying on a bed. It is therefore necessary for people and other fragile objects within strong stasis fields to be suspended in a tank of liquid or gel, so that they are not crushed by gravity. These tanks, known a tempostats, would also shield them from the thirty times more light and radiation from the outside to which they would otherwise be exposed.

Despite these harmful physical effects, in a properly constructed tempostat, with an oxygen supply, a person could survive in temporal stasis with a ratio of up to one-to-one thousand (i.e., the person in stasis would age one year for every thousand years that passed in the outside world). Solid inanimate objects could be subjected to even stronger temporal stasis fields, aging just one year for every hundred thousand or even million years that passed in the outside world.

Aside from its preservative effects, temporal stasis technology has a variety of other uses. A tempostatic grenade with an effect radius of three or four meters could incapacitate an enemy on the battlefield, both by slowing him down and by increasing his relative gravity and inertial mass.

No time like the past we say!